How to Create Unique and SEO-Optimized Product Descriptions

Still unclear how to boost your e-store visibility in a crowded digital marketplace? Let’s uncover the formula of success!

While Milton Hershey’s advice is still on point—”Give them quality. That’s the best kind of advertising.”—it’s essential that customers first discover your products.

The key to success lies in offering high-quality products and ensuring they are easily discoverable through unique and SEO-optimized product descriptions.

What’s SEO? It stands for search engine optimization and in simple words just is the process of improving your website’s search engine visibility and as a result attracting new customers and enhancing sales by making your offerings stand out in the digital marketplace.

It involves more than just technical fixes; creating unique content plays a big part. Unique content stands out because it’s different from everything else online, making it key for improving SEO. This kind of content draws more attention from both search engines and viewers, helping your site to shine.

Here are 5 tips of how to make your content both unique and SEO-optimized:

Identify your target audience

To make your online content both unique and search-friendly, start by knowing who you’re talking to.

  • Identify who your audience is.
  • Understand their likes, needs, and online search habits.
  • Speak their language by using familiar terms and phrases
  • Tailor your content to meet their specific interests.

Keep in mind, satisfying your audience with your content also means you’re likely to satisfy search engines . Their main aim is to provide users with useful and relevant information. Thus it’s a good signal for search engines to boost your website ranking position if its content assists users to solve their problem.

Creating unique content

Creating unique content is not just a recommendation for digital success; it’s a necessity. Think of it like creating a cooking receipt that nobody has.

Your content should be fresh and original and ideally not copied, duplicated or republished from a manufacturer or a competitor’s website.

If you use copied content your website will be negatively affected in the follow ways:

  • Lower Rankings: If search engines detect duplicate content, they may rank your website lower, affecting its visibility.
  • Search Engine Penalties: Duplicate content risks incurring search engine penalties, further diminishing your online presence.
  • Brand Damage: Using third-party content without proper authorization or attribution can indeed lead to legal consequences and harm your brand’s reputation

That’s why it’s important to avoid copied content and use unique one as it will benefit your brand and website. Here’s a list highlighting these advantages:

  • Boost SEO efforts: Unique content is favored by search engines, which can significantly improve your website’s ranking.
  • Enhance UX: Unique content can more likely to attract new customers and hold their attention. It engages, informs, and delights users, encouraging them to return and interact with your content, products, or services.

Understanding the importance of unique content is one thing; creating it consistently is another. This is where Pagerix comes in, offering a solution to find SEO opportunities on your website, including duplicate content issues.

Optimize for target keywords

Keyword optimization means picking the right words that people use to search and putting them in your content. This helps more people to find your products on the internet.

  • Keyword research

To start with, you have to go for “keyword research,” and this is where keyword research tools like SEMrush, Afrefs, or Moz Keyword Explorer come in handy. These tools will definitely help you gather a handful of relevant keywords for your products based on some important factors like search volume and keyword difficulty.

  • Keywords incorporation

Once you have some good keywords in hand, you can incorporate them naturally in your product descriptions. But, please don’t overstuff your content with keywords. To avoid it, you should incorporate them once or twice maximum in such key areas like:

-Title tags


-Meta descriptions

This balanced approach enhances SEO while maintaining the quality and readability of your content, making it appealing both to search engines and your audience.

  • Long-tail keywords

Long-tail keywords are specific and detailed phrases used in searches by people who are likely ready to buy.

They’re less competitive than broad keywords, making them valuable for targeting specific audiences and improving SEO.

For instance, instead of “running shoes,” a long-tail keyword example would be “women’s waterproof trail running shoes size 8,” attracting more focused and potentially higher-converting traffic.

Long-tail keywords attract highly targeted visitors. Meaning your sales conversion rate should be higher.

Writing Tips To Consider

When you create content, you want your readers to be fully engaged.

Including User Experience (UX) considerations in your writing can greatly improve the way people interact with your online content. The following writing tips can help you effectively direct your audience to your online content:

  • Organized content that can be easily digested. Divide your content into smaller portions with clear headings and bullet points. This allows users to quickly identify relevant information.
  • A detailed description of the product with its features and benefits. When you’re selling a smartwatch, describe its outstanding features, such as that its battery can last at least a week without charging or that it can be worn while swimming.
  • Keep descriptions brief but informative for quick understanding.
  • A unique brand voice that makes the content real. For example, if you sell handcrafted candles, your brand voice might be warm and encouraging. Instead of saying “Light your home with our cozy, hand-poured candles. Each is lovingly created to make your moments feel warm” use a more forthcoming and personal voice: “Light up your home with our cozy, hand-poured candles. Each one is lovingly crafted to bring warmth to your moments”. This simple, friendly voice makes your content feel personal and approachable, helping customers connect with your brand.
  • Use Call-to-action phrases like ‘Sign Up’ or ‘Buy Now, which are generally placed on a button or a hyperlink to encourage audience interaction which is one way of making your content more user-friendly.

Use Visual Elements

Attention to multimedia is a must in creating SEO-optimized content.

Images and videos  not only make your content more interesting  but also help with SEO when you use alt text, and they are great for overall UX which is an important part of SEO nowadays.

Alt text describes your multimedia, helping search engines understand the content of images and videos.

Clear and detailed visuals build trust and increase the likelihood of a purchase. Here’s what you should focus on:

  • Ensure multimedia is high-quality (no blurry or pixelated) for the best user experience
  • Include keywords in your alt text to help SEO. When search engines crawl your site and your content, they are trying to see if your content answers a question a user has. They won’t be able to see the multimedia, so you need to help them and write a good alt text.

E.g. in the case of a fashion description, an alt tag can be useful to specify a color if you used one, while an SEO promotion description might benefit from call to action with the words “call now”. This way, you can kill two birds with one (virtual) stone.

By incorporating high-quality images and optimizing alt tags with relevant keywords, you can improve both the visibility of your product descriptions in search results and the overall user experience.

Testing and Optimization for better results

Creating unique and SEO-optimized product descriptions involves testing and optimization.

  • Conduct A/B testing on different versions of your descriptions to see which performs better in terms of customer engagement and conversion rates.
  • Use analytics tools to track the performance of your content, understanding which keywords and phrases attract more visitors and lead to sales.

By continuously testing, optimizing, and adapting your product descriptions based on real-time data and user behavior, you can refine your SEO copywriting strategy to deliver better results and drive improved performance.

Start optimizing your product descriptions today using the tips and watch as your e-commerce website climbs the search engine rankings and converts more visitors into customers.

Pagerix could help your team in making unique and SEO-smart product descriptions, giving you more time to focus on significant aspects of your business.

Reach out to us now to learn how Pagerix can make creating content easier for you.


